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Treatment Options

  • Offering in-home sessions, I come to you and provide all equipment, to decrease the barriers to receiving the care that you need

  • Telehealth sessions also available

Physical Therapy

$185 evaluation
$150 follow-up

Initial evaluation is 75-90 minutes, and follow up visits 60 minutes.

An individualized treatment plan will be designed with a frequency and duration to meet your needs, your schedule and your goals.

Will include full-body and pelvic floor assessment, and treatment including education, hands-on techniques, corrective exercise, breathing exercises, core strengthening, and mind-body training such as meditation, visualization, mindfulness.


$150, 60 mins
$ 75, 30 mins

Can be 30 mins or 60 mins, as needed.

A one-time in person or telehealth session to address questions or concerns related to pelvic health, pregnancy, postpartum.

Can include a post-partum check-up, recommended after 6 weeks, to screen for common issues, assess core strength/coordination, and readiness for return to exercise.

Can include a customized yoga program that is safe for your body, and helps you meet your goals. 

Physical therapy treatment will not be provided.

Birth Prep Sessions


A 90 min session designed to help you tune into your body, to feel safe, confident, and in control during your labor and birthing experience.

Will include education on pelvic motions during birth, breathing strategies to assist with labor and pushing, recommendations on positions to manage pain, and considerations to manage the nervous system.

Will also include a hands-on assessment of your abdominal, uterine and pelvic mobility to release restrictions that may interfere with optimal birth experience. Can include intravaginal work to assist with coordination of pelvic floor muscles for pushing. Birth partners/doulas encouraged to attend, to better assist during labor and delivery. 

*Additional charges may apply for home visits outside of a 20 mile radius from north Phoenix area.

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